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Usually, when a person gets older, he will eventually stop exercising. Study shows that only 30% of the American adults are actively participating in exercises, to keep them fit and healthy. Several of the senior citizens are not quite aware that by merely establishing a workout routine in their prime lives and older, they can still achieve tons of advantages in pursuing it. Human beings, young and old are consider for mobility, and not to grow old, deskbound. Moreover, exercising produces naturally, some neuron growth factor from our body that gives stimulation to our brain thus prevents us from memory loss and eases depression, confirmed by Vonda Wright from University of Pittsburgh Medical Center on exercise and aging.
Therefore, here are what exercise has to offer to maintain a healthy life, as we get older:
Furthermore, elderly people must consider what they need to know on how to initiate a good exercise habit:
Keep in mind, that there is never too late in exercising: Our body is design to be responsive. Even how old we are, it is never late to start indulging in exercise activity. However, the intensity of your activity depends upon the age and capacity, as long as you sweat out regularly.
Have a clearance from a doctor: If it is your first time to perform such a routine or have not been able to do it for quite a long time already, consult your doctor and have yourself cleared before participating into it. Men are prone to heart attack risk when he is on his mid-40s while women have the risk a decade later than men do.
Do some exercise you are interested of. Running 5K if you do not like running is stupidity. Be into dancing if you love to dance. You can have Pilates, tai chi and yoga if you do not like speed. If you have fondness in sports, then indulge to it once in awhile to sweat out, like with any ballgame to keep you fit. O0thers though, prefer to go to the gym, to be guided by a gym trainer.
Alternate or use variant routine. For you not to get bored, do cardio twice a week and thrice a week doing weight training. 30 minutes of aerobic exercise for elderly will suffice.
Remember to do weights. Weight training is considered very essential in keeping fit. Experts of health and fitness said that the muscle in our body is generally an important element in our health. It must be given focus especially the older person, because their muscle weakens as they aged. Weak muscle influences the body’s immunity, bone density and even mental ability. You can actually replenish new cells in your body through regular exercise.
Exercise gradually not abruptly. Aim for a goal that is done slowly. Work out gradually to really benefit from what you are doing, you might end up hurting yourself. Think that it does not work overnight. Do not overdo your exercise routine. Better to follow what is instructed of you to follow.
Exercise machine and a good advice are wise investments. Try to get a fitness instructor and a physical therapist to attend to you and give you an exercise program that suits your needs. Different body and age has its specific program. Be diligent of what has been required of you to gain better result. Having a good quality shoe or attire for work out, encourages you to exercise. When you are on your prime life, better focus on your proper posture and balance, to keep your body aligned. There is nothing too expensive when it comes to good health, even when you are old and make exercise your lifestyle, not just a habit.
Professional Health Care Consultants, Inc., also known as Professional Health Care Services, is a family-owned caregiver referral and consulting business. We specialize in managing and developing small businesses in the Home-Care Industry for non-medical, custodial and around-the-clock care. We offer caregivers, families and their loved ones all different services and several options that are affordable for them.
PHCSI and “Your Loved Ones are Our Loved Ones” are Registered Trademarks assigned to Professional Health Care Consultants, Inc.
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